Web Based Automation Systems

4Ci has delivered design, development, testing, implementation, maintenance, & enhancement services for integrated eligibility systems such as iCIS for State of Pennsylvania (Department of Public Welfare), BRIDGES for Department of Health & Services for State of Michigan, ICES for State of Indiana; Case & Benefits Management Systems such as myBenefits portal for State of New York, EDD-DIA for State of California, eCAPS for State of Pennsylvania; and eFiling & Appeals (Case) management systems for Administrative Office of Courts for State of California, Office of Courts Administration for State of Texas, Child Support

Enforcement systems for State of California. Portfolio of our involvement in creating web based automated systems driven by complex business rules and large volume of data dissipated across multiple locations is depicted in the picture on this page. 4Ci has delivered technical solutions using emerging technologies such as Business Intelligence/Decision Support Systems for Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts; Online Collaboration Platform for Texas Department of State Health Services; E-DW/ DB Architecture services for Texas Parks and Wildlife and Texas Higher Education Coordination Board.

Integrated Eligibility Determination Systems
4Ci works as a partner with its customers to build complex integrated eligibility systems for NTTA programs such as Medicaid, CHIP, SNAP, LiHEAP, & TANF. We have technical expertise in integrating benefits and eligibility determination (recipient, provider) systems, financial systems, validations, and information exchange processes. Our subject matter experts have re-designed & mapped NTTA processes to comply with policies,

guidelines mandated by Medical Assistance Program for the following systems; Medicaid, Claims, & Recipient Administration; Program Management; Provider Determination; Reference Data Management; MMIS; MITA architecture, processes, guidelines, business models; HIPPA remediation; EHR; Health Information Technology; Security, & Privacy

Case & Benefits Management Systems
4Ci has provided technical services to construct enterprise wide automated case & benefits management systems where a case worker can plan and monitor services provided by various social agencies to an individual or a family. Simultaneously a case worker can determine benefits eligibility based on household composition, non-financial assets and & other sources of income.

4Ci has experience of automating and integrating processes for claimants, recipients, and providers. From applying basic data management principles to complex business rules for eligibility determination, we have done it all. Web based automation systems built for Disability Insurance, Home & Community Services programs are examples of work performed by 4Ci.


We offer ideas that raise your business above the expected