DIR Contract Number
Contract Number: DIR-CPO-4549
DIR Cooperative Contracts Program link -
Services Offered – IT Staff Augmentation Services and link to ITSAC technology descriptions
Contract Pricing – Link to rate card
Refer DIR contract number DIR-CPO-4549DIR ITSAC Link –
DIR website for 4Consulting Inc’s Contract:
Contact Information: 4Consulting, Inc.
Contact Person: Mr. Vivek Anand
Address: 1050 West Campbell Road, Suite 100,
Richardson, Texas 75080
Contact Tel: 214 698 8633 x 5101
Contact Email:
Instructions for obtaining quotes and executing purchase orders –
For product and pricing information, visit www.4ci-usa .com or contact Mr. Vivek Anand at 214 698 8633 x 5101
Generate a purchase order made payable to 4 CONSULTING, INC. and you must reference the DIR Contract Number DIR-CPO-4549 on your purchase order.
E-mail or fax (214 698 8630) your purchase order and quote form to your designated vendor sales representative.
Federal 8(a), WoSB Certified Corporation.
4Ci holds primary contracts with U.S. Federal Agencies to provide workforce management related services to information technology. We work as teaming partner with global consulting firms and help them deliver technology based solutions for various federal agencies.